Cancer Research Symposium

Abstract Submission Guidelines

ICRF invites and welcomes interested participants to submit abstracts for workshop sessions, speaker and poster presentations. 

To accommodate several types of studies for this symposium, we have drawn up the guidelines below for all abstracts. Each abstract should have a maximum of 300 words, use SI units, and have no figures, tables, or references. Abbreviations should be kept at a minimum and defined at first use. Kindly include 4-5 key words at the end of your abstract.

The abstract should include the following: 

a) Title of the manuscript/project

b) Name and affiliations of the authors (Please mark the name of the presenting author with an asterisk)

c) The abstract should have a background, methodology, results (if any), and conclusion.

d) Sources of funding if applicable.

Poster presentations

Please present your activities – research, science communication, policy, advocacy – on a poster. We recommend that you use the A0 format in portrait mode. Participants are at liberty to design the poster how they see fit. However, all posters must have a title, authors and their affiliations, and logo(s) of the affiliate institution(s).

NB: Research-based posters should include a background section, methodology, results (if any), and future perspectives.


Overall, the workshops aim to increase the capacity and knowledge of participants around innovative research practices, clinical experiences, science communication, relevant policies, or advocacy programs on cancer. The focus is on discussion, transferring knowledge, and exchanging practical experience through intensive interaction with the audience, collaborative learning, and, if possible, developing new ideas. Workshops will be 90 minutes in length

General Guidelines For Workshops

a). Please submit a concise abstract of your workshop of up to 500 words. When preparing your abstract, please consider the evaluation criteria (see below). 

b). Indicate the organizer of the workshop and the names and affiliations of all co-organizers. All workshop proposals, if accepted, must be presented in English.

c). The organizer of each workshop proposal agrees that if the proposal is accepted, the abstract will be published in the symposium booklet

Once your workshop proposal is accepted, you will informed to register for the symposium to confirm your attendance.